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7 Signs Your Sports Bra Doesn't Fit

This month we're teaming up with O2 Fitness to educate members about the importance of a properly fitted sports bra.

Lily, our marketing and social media specialist and an expert sports bra fitter, put together some helpful guidlines to help you determine whether you might be in need of a new bra.

For female runners, finding the right fit in a sports bra should be as important as finding the right fit in a shoe. Unfortunately, for many women—first-time 5k-ers to veteran marathoners alike—the sports bra often goes overlooked. Believe it or not, around 80% of women are in the wrong bra size.

Check out these seven indicators to see if it’s time to hit the fitting room again.

  1. Running hurts.

There is a lot of discomfort inherent in working out—if there wasn’t, more people would do it! Breast pain, however, is not something you should have to suffer through. A properly-fitted sports bra designed for your activity level will minimize the movement of breast tissue, alleviating the pain and strain.

If you’re in danger of knocking an eye out every time you run, it’s not because there just isn’t a sports bra out there for you. It’s likely because your bra is either too big, allowing too much movement, or it’s not designed for high-impact activities.

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